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Registry (Concrete)

The non-abstract Registry class makes it possible to create a custom registry without needing to declare a new class that extends the Abstract Registry class.

Before using this factory, make sure that you wouldn't be better-served with something more-specific. For example, if each item in the intended registry must be a specific instance of a class, use a Collection.

Everything about this registry works exactly like what's documented in the Abstract Registry, the only difference is that it can be instantiated, like so:

$registry = new \Underpin\Factories\Registry(validate_callback: fn(string|int $key, mixed $value) => is_int($value))

This would compose a one-off registry that validates that the items added to it are integers.

$registry->add('key', 'invalid'); // This would throw Invalid_Registry_Item
$registry->add('key', 1); // This would add the number 1 to the registry.